
Super metroid cutting room floor
Super metroid cutting room floor

I cut a score line where the matte router body meets the glossy LED pane, and planned to keep this division apparent in the art, but the size of the energy meter thwarted that plan, too. I just needed to adjust their size and the space in-between a little bit. I cut a prototype out of chipboard first, and my initial measurements paid off: the LED cut-outs were in almost exactly the right place. This also meant I’d have less space for the cave ceiling below-which was ultimately removed. There was no way I’d be able to fit the missiles, super missiles and the other bits you’d normally see on a Super Metroid screenshot. I still really wanted to use the UI from Super Metroid with the same aspect ratio between the boxes, the “energy” text, and the “auto” icon, not to mention the mini-map across the way. It was physically locked both in size and location thanks to the LEDs. The galaxy is at peace…Ĭheap chipboard prototypes helped me make small adjustments.ĭuring the design phase, most of the time was spent adjusting the composition to account for just how big the energy meter turned out to be. I also added the opening scrawl that was originally accompanied by Dan Owsen’s infamously nebbish read. The scene in question, where Samus is escaping planet SR-388 and runs into the very last Metroid just as it hatches, was chosen because the LaserLights material I was planning on using would only work in greyscale. The plan was to combine a few images from the opening to Super Metroid (largely presented in black and white, fitting as the scene in question is originally from a GameBoy game) with some UI from within the game to create a finished composition that would take the blue LED bank into account. This time I’d have less map rejiggering to do, though I’d have to spend a little more time on prototyping because of the odd shape of the canvas.


That’s when inspiration struck: I would turn that ugly blank monolith in the corner of my living room into a(n ugly) piece of geek art!Ībout a year ago I flexed my Metroid fanbits by designing a modified version of Tourian to engrave onto the case for a new PC I’d built a couple of weeks prior. The SC will show you an area below where the auxiliary power station is located, we. The SC will tell you that the main reactor silo of the station has gone offline, cutting off power from all the elevators, doors and stations throughout the entire space station. A specific energy meter in a specific video game. Looks like Samus furry friends found a safe hideout. Those little blue icons, all lined up in two rows top-left, started to remind me of an energy meter in a video game. ZyXEL’s wireless router, up close and personal.Īfter a few months of glancing over at its plain black facade, a bank of ten blue LEDs racing to see which could flicker faster, I began to see it less as a monolith and more as a canvas.

Super metroid cutting room floor